ISO 9001:2015
Quality is of prime importance to Computer Analysts and Recovery Experts Pte Ltd (CARE). All core processes in CARE are audited Internally and Externally by an accredited agency, Bureau Veritas every year.
CARE's Quality Policy
CARE is committed to exceed customer's expectation in all areas of our business through consistent processes, innovation and improvements.
In order to achieve this, we will :
- Empower each employee to be proactive in supporting continuous improvements.
- Continuously improve products, services and processes to anticipate and exceed the needs of our customers.
- Innovate and continuously improve management systems to ensure our work is consistent with this commitment.
CARE's Management is committed to this policy and will provide the leadership, resources and training to support it.
The ISO 9001:2015 award serves as an assurance to our current and future clients that CARE is dedicated to achieve client satisfaction through providing consistent and high quality of services which meets or exceeds client's expectations. It is also congruent with CARE's motto of the need to constantly review our service processes and pursue continual improvement. Some key requirements of the ISO 9001:2015 include:-
- a set of procedures that cover all key processes in the business;
- monitoring processes to ensure they are effective;
- keeping adequate records;
- checking output for defects, with appropriate and corrective action where necessary;
- regularly reviewing individual processes and the quality system itself for effectiveness; and
- facilitating continual improvement
For more information on ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System, please visit website www.iso.org

ISO 27001:2013
IT Security is of the utmost importance to Computer Analysts and Recovery Experts Pte Ltd (CARE).
In order to achieve this award, CARE will have to meet the requirements for:
- Establishing, implementing and maintaining IT security management system
- Demonstrate continual improve on an information security management system within the context of the organization
- Adequate assessment and treatment of information security risks tailored to the needs of the organization
With the ISO 27001:2013, clients can ensure that there are firm procedures and guidelines in place to comply with IT security requirements in the below areas:
- Information security policies
- Organization of information security
- Human resource security
- Physical and environment security
- Communications security
- Information security incident management procedures
For more information on ISO 27001:2013, visit website: https://www.iso.org/standard/54534.html

MTCS Level 2 SS584:2020
In order to help businesses understand cloud computing certifications provided by different cloud service providers (CSPs), the SS 584, which is the Multi-Tier Cloud Security Standard for Singapore (MTCS SS), was introduced, and is the world’s first cloud security standard that covers multiple tiers.
- Tier 1: Designed for non-business critical data and system, with baseline security controls to address security risks and threats in potentially low impact information systems using cloud services (e.g.: Web site hosting public information)
- Tier 2: Designed to address the need of most organizations running business critical data and systems through a set of more stringent security controls to address security risks and threats in potentially moderate impact information systems using cloud services to protect business and personal information (e.g.: Confidential business data, email, CRM – customer relation management systems)
- Tier 3: Designed for regulated organizations with specific requirements and more stringent security requirements. Industry specific regulations may be applied in addition to these controls to supplement and address security risks and threats in high impact information systems using cloud services (e.g.: Highly confidential business data, financial records, medical records)
In order to achieve this, the certification assessment would require CARE to:
- Systematically evaluate our information security risks, taking into account the impact of company threats and vulnerabilities.
- Design and implement a comprehensive suite of information security controls and other forms of risk management to address company and architecture security risks.
- Adopt an overarching management process to ensure that the information security controls meet our information security needs on an ongoing basis.
For more information on MTCS Level 2 SS584:2020, visit website: MTCS Certification Scheme

Spirit of Enterprise (SOE) Awards
The Spirit of Enterprise (SOE) Award is an annual national award conferred to deserving business entrepreneurs to honor their outstanding achievements. It aims to recognize our local entrepreneurs’ courage, perseverance and innovation in their journey of entrepreneurship. These local entrepreneurs serve to become role models for our young Singaporeans to emulate and to inspire the youths to take the bold step in becoming enterprising entrepreneurs.
Held in the Mandarin Orchard Hotel, Singapore, the SOE awards gala dinner drew prominent local business leaders and entrepreneurs to celebrate their outstanding business achievements in their respective fields. Mr Lee Yi Shyan, Senior Minister of State, Ministry of Trade and Industry and Ministry of National Development, graced the event as its guest of honour.
For more information, please refer to www.soe.org.sg

Singapore's Finest Services
Being recognized for constantly rendering outstanding and quality IT service, CARE has been selected to be featured in Singapore Finest Companies List for Finest IT Outsourcing, IT Maintenance and Data Recovery Services! Singapore’s Finest choose the best and most reliable businesses operating locally. They are committed on providing the correct information about services based on fair judgement and evaluation.